About us

Our philosophy is to provide the best possible solution that suits your features and makes you feel amazing. Dr. Rishu Gilhotra and the team take pride in maintaining the professional quality of service at its excellence.

Punjab Cosmetology Clinic

Welcome to our Clinic

World-renowned hair transplant surgeon Trusted by celebrities and high profile patients Features regularly in the media Invented FUSE technology (Follicular Unit Separation Extraction) Our work is ultimately rewarded when we see the reactions of our patients who come to us looking for hair loss prevention and hair loss solutions. There is no better satisfaction than watching the personal transformation of each patient, as they stop worrying about hiding their hair loss and start enjoying their lives.
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Punjab's No 1

Cosmetology Clinic

Don’t Wait! Hurry up and Get ready for your next look.Feel free to contact. You can directly reach us on 7009444739, 9888617273